Essentials Setup

How to setup the Elastos Essentials super-wallet.

Before proceeding with the configuration, you must download and install Elastos Essentials:

Video Tutorial


Step 1: Select the Language

Select one of the Languages supported by Essentials.

Step 2: Create a new Identity

By pressing the "New" button you can create a new decentralized identity.

Step 3: Enter a Name

Enter a name of your choice, it will be saved in your Hive Vault, and can be changed later.

Step 4: Create the Master Password

The Master Password can contain any character, it will be saved locally on your smartphone, and is used to protect the super-wallet from intruders who could access and steal your identity. To make transactions or change data, you need to know the Master Password.

The Master Password is not absolutely necessary to restore your identity and your wallet, it is deleted and can be recreated when Elastos Essentials data is deleted. Be sure to Backup your Mnemonics.

Step 5: Automatic Wallet setup process

At this point, once the Master Password has been created, an automatic process should start which:

  • generates and publishes the new decentralized identity (DID) in the public ledger;

  • generates and links a Hive Vault to your own decentralized identity (DID);

  • generates a Wallet that is derived from the same Mnemonic of the decentralized identity (DID).

If the process freezes, or takes more than 3 minutes or so, perform this troubleshooting procedure.

Resolution Procedure
  1. Close Essentials and delete it from Recent apps;

  2. Open Essentials, on the home screen scroll down, and log out of the "half-created" identity by pressing the "logout" button;

  3. You should now be on the Identities screen, proceed by deleting the old identity, press on the three dots and press Delete;

  4. Create a new Identity starting from Step 1.

When you return to this screen, you will have successfully completed the creation of your First Decentralized Identity.

Step 6: Backup of your Mnemonics

The last step is to Backup your decentralized identity (DID) and your Wallet. Store in a safe place the 12 words that are provided to you, because it will be the only way to recover your Identity and your Funds.

Last updated