
How to customize your profile with Elastos Essentials.

To customize your profile on Pasar you must log in with Elastos Essentials. Then connect to Pasar.

If you don't know how to do it, follow the tutorial linked below!

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Step 1: Edit Profile

Once logged into Pasar with Elastos Essentials, go to the Profile page and press "Edit Profile".

Step 2: Create the Credentials

Before making requests to Essentials, make sure you have the correct credentials, if you don't have any credentials, here's how you need to proceed:

Open Essentials, press the "three dots" at the top right, and click on "My Identity".

Step 3: Edit profile

From this screen you can publish the credentials you want to make public, share your identity, export the mnemonic of your identity and finally you can customize your credentials by clicking on the "Edit" button.

Step 4: Avatar

Let's start by adding an avatar, a profile picture, click on "Edit Avatar". You can directly take a photo or import it from the Gallery. Once the image is selected, press "Use".

Step 5: Text credentials

To add a new credential, click on "Add Field";

Select the type of Credential to create, in this case I have selected the "Twitter" credential;

Write the content you want to share, in this case paste the link of your twitter profile.

Attention, these are self-issued credentials, the value that can be attributed to them is relative, it all depends on the dApp that accepts them. To have greater reliability, you should have verifiable credentials (VCs) that are issued by some dApps, which are responsible for verifying a certain type of information. An example of VCs are those issued by kyc-me, with which it is possible to obtain the Kyc-me Badge on Pasar. You can learn more about this topic on the specific section of the documentation: Verifiable Credentials

Step 6: Saving the credentials on Essentials

To save the changes made, press the "back" button at the top left.

Step 7: Request for Credentials

At this point we return to Pasar, and select the credentials we want to share with it. Once selected, click on "Save Credentials".

Now on Essentials a screen should open with the request for the credentials selected on Pasar, to share them, click on "Accept".

If "Save action success" appears, the credentials have been successfully saved.

On your profile you can view the credentials you just saved.

Last updated