Desktop Guide

How to connect to Pasar with Elastos Essentials.

The tutorial shows how to log into Pasar via Elastos Essentials.

Before proceeding make sure you have Elastos Essentials installed and have a DID. For the Essentials setup you can follow the tutorial linked below

pageEssentials Setup

Video Tutorial


Step 1: Press "Sign In"

Once Pasar Protocol is open, press the "Sign In" button located in the nav bar, top right.

Step 2: Select the Wallet

From this screen you can choose the Wallet to log in with, you have two options:

  • Metamask: You can log in with a normal Wallet, without DID, with some limitations though. You will not be able to customize your profile, sell NFTs, create collections.

  • Elastos Essentials: By logging in with Essentials you will have no limitations, because Essentials supports DIDs. If you don't know what a DID is you can press "What is a DID?" in this page. If you don't have a Wallet you can press "I Don't Have A Wallet" and download Elastos Essentials.

You can follow the guide here: Essentials Setup

Step 3: Elastos Essentials

Once you have chosen the Elastos Essentials option, this Qr-Code will open which you will need to scan through the Elastos Essentials scanner.

Step 4: Scan the Qr-code

Open Elastos Essentials press the button at the top right that will open the Scanner, at this point scan the Qr-code.

Step 5: Connection to Pasar

  • Once the Qr-code has been scanned, the Wallet Connect request will automatically open, which will be used to connect the desired Wallet to Pasar.

  • When "Connect" is pressed, the second page will open which will request access to your DID and your credentials. Select the Credentials you want to share with Pasar. You can also customize your profile later, here's how: Credentials

  • After pressing "Accept", the final step is to allow Pasar to read and store Data in your Hive Vault.

Perfect, you have successfully logged in with a Elastos DID in Pasar, it was easy right? By going to the profile page you can view your information, and edit your profile.


Last updated