Login with Essentials

Elastos Essentials is more than just a token wallet, it's also the wallet of DIDs.

As you can see, Pasar is deeply integrated with DIDs, and use DID to store Profile/social data onto Hive/Vault as well as part of metadata on IPFS. Here are the series of timing that user DIDs would be used:

  • When users mint NFTs from the collections on Pasar

  • When users list NFTs onto Pasar market

  • When users buy NFTs on Pasar market

Generally users would use token wallet to make transaction onto contracts, while use DID to present as general identify to interact with someone else or third-parties in verifiable cryptography.

DID can uniquely identify the user by himself, and also it's easy organize all properties or information related to the user, like the owned wallet addreses, certificates to be verifiable credentials to this DID. Therefore the information as verifiable credentials can be easily authenticated and verified by other users or third-parties.

In this reason, the users are required to use Essentials to mint and list NFTs on Pasar with users DID involved, therefore it might be reduce the risk of being scamed on the market, especially the creator of NFTs has the badge of KYC-ed credential.

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